Thursday, August 31, 2006

Dicks & Janes #17 - 60s Revisited

Maybe my last rerun for the summer, as it's soon time to start the new season eh. btw, I skipped #16 cuz the sound quality sucked. This one's a trip down memory lane for the Scarborough Dude - hope you enjoy it! Oh ya, and ignore the stinkin start eh... there was a garbage strike.

69 Annee Erotique - Serge Gainsbourg - Gainbourg Forever
Over The Rainbow - Red Garland - Sunday Morning Jazz
Within You Without You - The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Speaking In Tongues - Sheila Chandra
A House Is Not a Motel - Love - Forever Changes
Om - The Moody Blues - In Search Of The Lost Chord

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